About Me

My priorities and my reason for running for school board:

Our public schools are good, but they can be great! To go “from good to great” requires dedicated parents with strong leadership skills to serve on our school board. That is why I am running for SDUHSD board trustee.

As a long-time San Diego resident and the parent of three students at La Costa Canyon High School, I know we have dedicated, hardworking teachers and staff. Our sports and arts programs build character in emerging young adults. Yet half of our students are not meeting academic standards in mathematics, our special education students are underserved, and our school district spends more money than it brings in.

As your school board trustee, I will focus on academic performance, fiscal stability, and ensuring a safe learning environment for all students. I am committed to improving academic outcomes so that more of our students can attend the college of their choice or follow their preferred career path. With 25 years in financial services, I understand how to protect taxpayer interests while increasing district transparency to our community.

If elected, I will always put the interests of parents and students first, and I will keep politics out of our schools.

My personal story:

I work for a large financial services company as a Senior Vice President and Team Lead for a major investment firm. I am a native Californian, raised in San Diego from the age of 9. I currently reside in La Costa with my husband Jeff, three teenage boys, and our golden retriever Phil.

I spent my younger years rooting for the Padres, including countless Spring weekends in Yuma Arizona cheering for and meeting Tony Gynnn and other popular players on the team. I am still a die hard Padre fan today, but my football team is the San Francisco 49ers. Ask me about that if you see me. 

I am running for Trustee Area 2 to give back to a community that helped our family so much in 2022 and beyond. We were lucky enough to survive, but lost our home in a garage fire that ultimately destroyed our entire property. The counselors, coaches and teachers at La Costa Canyon and Oak Crest were so supportive, helping Jeff, our boys, and me navigate the emotions and stress that come from such a crisis. 

Jeff and I pride ourselves on raising strong, smart and respectful gentlemen. Parents know that is not an easy task today. We emphasized early on that they should respect their teachers and not make their jobs more difficult. This was code for: get your energy out on the playground and behave and pay attention in the classroom. 

I want to see the San Dieguito District continue to be a place that people will strive to live in, where academic excellence is rewarded, and all children meet their potential. Strong public education benefits our entire community, and high academic standards are the first step in a brighter tomorrow.